Pants, Shirts & All the Little Things

It was a typical winter day in Colorado. The snow made my daily running a bit tedious. So I ran a couple of miles very early in the morning, instead of pushing four miles. On my way back home, I was still feeling somewhat disatisfied with only those two miles. I, nevertheless, busied myself with my follow-up T'ai Chi routine. It eased my mind and body. It strengthened my joints, and as always it helped me with my overall balance. The day was coming together nicely. My spirit was enjoying sincere alignment with the Universe -- life, nature, and everything in it. To call it a day (at least for that part of the morning), my husband and I took advantage of the beautiful sunlight and headed out for a relaxing walk. In this picture I was wearing three pants and three shirts besides the "alarming" red jacket plus all the little things like gloves, socks, and hats. The much clothing, for sure, added a bit of extra weight, but I welcomed it because it kept me warm enough for me to move steadfast. Bottom line, this post is not about how athletically inclined I seem to be. The detail here is that at times we have to team up with the weather to get our physical exercise going without experiencing a mental uphill battle.
In the end, this much we know: There are days that are either too hot or too cold. Those are the days when we have to do what we can without beating ourselves up for no doing as much as we would like to do under better weather conditions. Congratulate yourself for whatever it is that you do to keep yourself active. None of that goes to waste. The benefits are endless like for those "rainy days" when a nasty cold or a persistent headache slows us down. Our daily physical exercises -- midfully planned of course -- like a 30 minutes walk, an hour of T'ai Chi, or whatever makes you happy puts you ahead of the game for those moments when you are not feeling at your best. The thing is getting past the theory of all or nothing. Like Nike's trademark says, Just do it, and I may add that the doing feels great.