Steps to Physicality and Beyond It
At first NMF was just about physicality, about staying fit. With time the mission began to evolve, it developed another layer, one more intrinsic in nature and of higher importance. This new layer includes the entire person -- inside and out (body, mind, & emotional wellness). So the scope has broadened for the better! For instance, we take seriously the huge correlation between happiness and fitness. Our approach is Internal Martial Arts inspired and well intertwined with free movement.
Figuratively speaking, we show you the dots, and you connect them. You do this without the typical struggle of boring and exhausting exercises. This is why with NMF you will not suffer a burnout. We make sure that your fitness lifestyle remains sustainable, engaging, and above all healthy. Please, accept our upmost sincere invitation to a journey of genuine greatness. Here at Nirvana we care, and we mean every word we say!
Where the mind goes, the body follows! NMF 2022 ©️

Keeping your muscles healthy involves training how well they manage tension/resistance during exercise or at rest. This is important for all ages. However, the older we get the more relevant it's to pay attention to the upkeep of our muscle-fiber. So here the focus is your muscles.

This has everything to do with the stability and balance of your spine as well as each of the surrounding areas like diaphragm, pelvic floor, deep cervical flexors, multifidi, and transverse abdominus. We feel quite upbeat when the strength of our core is healthy enough to do our daily activities -- without struggle! So this is about true physical independence.